
6-8 Summer Reading

Get Ready for Summer Reading!

Summer Reading

Summer vacation is rapidly approaching and so is the time for summer fun, summer sun, and summer reading! Yes, summer vacation is the perfect time to relax and enjoy a good book.

This summer we are asking all incoming and returning TEMS students to read at least one title from the Intermediate or Middle School category of Nutmeg Book Award lists. The 2025 Nominees include some fantastic selections, and award winners from 2019 - 2024 also offer great titles for your consideration. We suggest students explore the Nutmeg lists from these years to find books that capture their interest, and encourage parents to be involved in the selection of appropriate reading material.

In the fall, students are asked to come prepared to participate in classroom activities involving your summer reading selection, during the first few days of school. It will be advantageous to jot down important information about the book, to help with the fall activity, using the Summary Organizer.

And remember, Timothy Edwards Middle School is a school of readers. While students are required to read at least one book, we implore you to continue to discover many amazing books throughout the summer months. We look forward to hearing about all of the wonderful books you stumble upon this summer. Enjoy your vacation!

Arrow  Summer Reading Letter to Parents

Reading Resources

There are so many wonderful authors and genres to explore this summer. Links to the current list of Nutmeg Book Award Nominees, as well as the full website with award winning titles from prior years, are provided below. 

arrow 2025 - Intermediate
(Grades 4-6)

arrow 2025 - Middle School
(Grades 7-8)
arrow Nutmeg Book Award Website