

Marlene Pouliot
Transportation Coordinator
Phone: (860) 291-1252
Email: [email protected]

South Windsor Public Schools provides transportation in accordance with transportation policies and guidelines. Students are expected to conform to regular standards of behavior while being transported to and from school as outlined in the Bus Rules and Regulations. 

Elementary School Districts (alpha by street)
 Link Bus Rules and Regulations
 Link Transportation Policy
 Link Transportation Guidelines

All in-district student bus information will be posted to your PowerSchool Parent Portal in mid-August. This will include the student(s) bus number, bus stop location, pickup time and drop-off time. 

CREC IMS Academy of International Studies Elementary School

Cheney Tech Cheney Tech

Please note that morning and afternoon routes may differ. If you have any questions regarding the morning or afternoon routes, please contact the Transportation Office at (860) 291-1252.

* Buses for AISE, Cheney Tech and Rockville VoAg, with regard to weather-related cancellations, delays and early dismissals, will operate as follows:  If either South Windsor or your child’s school calls a delay or early release, your child’s bus will be delayed or dismissed early. If either South Windsor or your child’s school cancels school, your child’s bus will be cancelled.

School bus drivers are needed! DATTCO provides bus transportation to South Windsor Public School students. They are hiring, and offering a sign-on bonus for fully licensed school bus drivers. 

To learn more,  Click Here!  

Transportation Safety Complaints/Procedures

All questions/concerns regarding student transportation must be addressed to the building principal. If the building principal is not available to respond to questions/concerns, parents should contact the transportation office at (860) 291-1252. Parents should not board the bus to discuss any transportation issues with the bus driver. All complaints concerning school transportation safety should also be reported to the Transportation Office. A written record of all complaints will be maintained and an investigation of the claims will take place.