Breakfast Information
You’ve probably heard that breakfast is the most important meal of the day, but it can also be the most challenging when trying to get your kids to eat healthier!
If you want your child fired up and ready to face the day’s challenges, work high-quality protein and fiber into the morning routine! These nutrients can make a huge difference in your child’s mood, attitude, attention, energy and stamina, and they take longer to digest so your little one won’t be gnawing at the walls five minutes after the bus rolls into the school parking lot.
Our school breakfast, served just 20 minutes before classes begin, provides those high quality proteins and fibers in tasty breakfast items your child will enjoy. Stop by our menu page and see what we have cooking for your students.
- Breakfast is available in all schools.
- Students are allowed to come in up to 20 minutes prior to school start time and join us in the cafeteria for a variety of choices, including both hot and cold cereals and breakfast sandwiches, fruit, juice and milk.
- Students who qualify for free or reduced price lunches also qualify for breakfast. Students who use their POS account for lunch may also use it for breakfast.
- Parents may want to review the limits currently on their child’s account and make changes if necessary to include breakfast and lunch purchases.
- For your convenience, healthy snacks are also sold at this time for students who need a snack for classroom snack time.
- Menus are easily accessible here.
Please feel free to join your child for breakfast one morning.