
Curriculum and Instruction

Tracie Peterson

Tracie D. Peterson
Assistant Superintendent, Curriculum & Instruction
Phone: (860) 291-1210
Email: [email protected]

Jamie Langevin
Administrative Assistant
Phone: (860) 291-1210
Email: [email protected]

The Office of Curriculum & Instruction provides leadership in the development, review and refinement of South Windsor's kindergarten through grade 12 curriculum. We have an ongoing curriculum review process to ensure that the district's curriculum is aligned with curriculum changes and refinements at the state level. The Office of Curriculum & Instruction provides opportunities for teachers and administrators to stay current with the research on best-practice instructional strategies.

The South Windsor Public Schools promotes an engaging and dynamic culture of learning that prepares students to achieve their own individual excellence. Within an emotionally safe environment, educators will foster students' academic, social and personal growth. Our students will demonstrate critical and creative thinking, self-direction, collaboration, adaptability, kindness, compassion and civic responsibility.  The SWPS graduate will possess a learner’s mindset, exhibit resilience and social consciousness and be empowered to participate in an ever-changing global society. 


South Windsor Public Schools curriculum guides have been updated and reformatted for a more user-friendly, interactive experience. Please click on the links below to access the new electronic versions of "Learning Journeys" by grade. 

Kindergarten Learning Journeys
1st Grade Learning Journeys
2nd Grade Learning Journeys
3rd Grade Learning Journeys 
4th Grade Learning Journeys
5th Grade Learning Journeys 
Link Middle School Learning Journeys (Grades 6-8)