PowerSchool Website Overview
Each of the icons pictured at the top of the main PowerSchool screen will bring you to a different page that contains information about your child. Anything
blue on a screen can be clicked and will link you to additional information. You can return to the main screen at any time by clicking on the PowerSchool logo. The following is a brief description of each icon:

GRADES AND ATTENDANCE. Summary of trimester/semester grades and year-to-date attendance. (Select the "Standards" tab to view a summary of elementary progress report grades, viewable for two weeks following the end of each trimester.) |
GRADE HISTORY. For middle and high school students only. |
ATTENDANCE HISTORY. View daily attendance detail for the current school year. (Attendance codes are described at the bottom of the screen.) |
EMAIL NOTIFICATIONS. Allows you to sign up for automatic email notifications or change email settings. (NOTE: Balance alerts are not supported at this time.) |

TEACHER COMMENTS. Provides a listing of teacher comments made on the most recent report card, and includes links that allow you to directly email your child's teacher. |
SCHOOL BULLETIN. Daily news and other important dates may be listed here. |

CLASS REGISTRATION. For middle and high school students only. |
MY CALENDARS. A subscription-based application recommended for middle and high school students only. (Not available for elementary school.) |
SCHOOL INFORMATION. View school address, phone number, and fax number here. |

ACCOUNT PREFERENCES. Under the "Profile" tab, you can manage your username, password, and email. Under the "Students" tab, you can add newly enrolled siblings to your profile. |
SCHOOL MESSENGER/CONTACT MANAGER. Customize your preferences for receiving notifications from South Windsor Public Schools by adding phone numbers, email addresses, or text notifications. Designate which types of communications are sent to which device. |
NEW STUDENT INFORMATION. When a child is registered for the first time, a student record must be created. This record includes emergency and medical contacts, required demographic information, and your acknowledgment of certain policies and notifications required by law. |
ANNUAL STUDENT INFORMATION UPDATE. Student information must be reviewed and confirmed on an annual basis. An update must be completed separately for each child. |
Each page that you visit can be printed by clicking on the (Print Page) icon in the upper right-hand corner of each screen. This will bring you to a printer-friendly page with a little description of the information on that page.