
Ten-Year Timeline Brochures

Ten-Year Elementary Facilities Master Plan Brochures

The Ten-Year Elementary Facilities Master Plan outlines a plan for addressing our aging elementary schools and reflects the district's recent consolidation from five elementary schools to four. Without question, changes in enrollment, changes in reimbursement rates, changes in the economy and changed in education legislation could alter this Master Plan or its intended timeline. While variables may arise, this transparent and detailed ten-year scenario has provided our community with a conceptual long-range plan for its consideration. 

The first edition of this document was published in October 2013, and updated in September 2015 and September 2016. The latest edition was updated in February 2019 and reflects the completion of Phase One, as well as refreshed enrollment projections, updated information pertaining to Phase Two progress to date, and modifications to the plan or Phase Three.  

10-Year Plan - February 2019
February 2019
9-16 Plan Cover
September 2016
9-15 Brochure Cover
September 2015
2013 Brochure Cover
October 2013