
K-5 Summer Math

Summer Math

Summer Math

Whether you relax, explore or seek adventure over the summer, we encourage you to continue to see math in the world around you. While there is no specific required math work over the summer for students entering kindergarten through 5th grade, we have created playful activities for students to review what they learned in math with their teacher this past school year. These are optional activities. Each includes things that may be done with family and friends. Just a few minutes thinking and talking about math every day will help keep math skills sharp!

Grade Level Activity Calendars

Grade level calendars of activities are provided for students based on the grade they will enter in the fall. These activities are intended to complement the content and skills for math classes. Print off a copy of the July and August calendars included in the links, check off the activities you complete, and bring in the calendars to share with your teacher in the fall.

Each attachment also includes book titles and websites that you can visit to play math games or practice mathematical concepts.

Additional online math resources and practice websites are also available on the Student Dashboard:

 arrow Kindergarten
 arrow 1st Grade
 arrow 2nd Grade
 arrow 3rd Grade
 arrow 4th Grade
 arrow 5th Grade

Students who were enrolled in South Windsor schools for the 2022-2023 school year will continue to have Dreambox access through mid-August. This is a wonderful program that provides "just right" math content for students. Dreambox helps to review prior level materials if your child needs review on a skill, but it will also push into high level content if your child is ready for a challenge. Twenty minutes a day of Dreambox is a great option throughout the summer. 

Greg Tang Summer Math Challenge

Students are familiar with Greg Tang math activities. Greg Tang Math is also offering a summer math challenge for students which incorporates math games and activities designed to keep skills fresh and help you use math in everyday life. 

Click on the picture to learn more!

Greg Tang Summer Math

Connecticut Commissioner's Summer Math Challenge

2024 Summer Math Challenge
This summer, your family may choose to safely explore places outside your home. These activities will help you see math in the world around you. We encourage you to use this Summer Math Passport to solve problems in and around home.

Arrow Passport Booklet - contains worksheets and additional instructions

Farmers Market
Farmer's Market
Ice Cream
Ice Cream

Khan Academy Logo 
Khan Academy Get Ready for Grade Level
Khan Academy has courses to prepare students for math in grades 3, 4, and 5. Learners can select topics to explore throughout the summer and the year.